Summer Fun! Activities Directory Listing Form

Summer Fun! Activities Directory Listing Form

For the Summer Activities Directories in the May/June 2025 issues of New Mexico Kids!

Please fill out this form and submit it as soon as possible.

Questions? 505-967-7812.

IMPORTANT: Your payment must be received before your entry can be published. Please mail your check to us at: New Mexico Kids! 111 Iron Ave. SW, Abq, NM 87102 or call us with your credit card information at the phone numbers shown above.

DEADLINE: April 14th!

Please email photos with captions of your program and students for possible use in the directory. Send to Please Note: Directory listings are edited to conform with New Mexico Kids! style and because of space limitations.

Ages, dates, sessions, hours, whether overnight or day program, activities, costs, brochure available, ACA accredited, etc. Please email photo with caption for possible use in the directory!

New Mexico Kids! is a parent's primary resource for information on schools, camps and more, and reaches more than 75,000 readers across central and northern New Mexico.

Remember: Listing information and payment must be received by April 14th!

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